…sultry, stunning and alluringly talented…the movement of such profound vocals should never be confused with the ability to resound and resonate each note so delicate and pleasing to the ear…it is the stature of this petite vocalist that draws amazement when unbelievably she delivers deep seeded sounds and mountainous moans with rawness and ease…Red Sugar began her professional singing career in Detroit and Las Vegas, but decided to pay her dues while singing the blues in Mississippi…and now Red Sugar is being widely recognized as a powerhouse international blues singer...Red Sugar embraces the legends of the blues and is definitely on her way to blues greatness…wherever Red Sugar graces the stage her soulful contralto is the backdrop to being grateful to share, with each of you, the gift of her incredible talent…always close to Red Sugar, in splendid honor, are a few of the legendary soulful blues breezes of BB, Etta, Bobby, Ella, Albert, Sarah, Johnny, Billie, Little Milton, Koko, Muddy, Nina and Ray...Red Sugar enjoys connecting her dynamic flair to excite and ignite the core of the blue's spirit; and yet, being ever so mindful that the grace and mercy of God bestows these blessed moments from her Red Sugar Blues to yours….oh yes Baby...
"Red Sugar Blues stage presence is hot...sweet...and electrifying..."